I admit that keeping up with this blog has not been a high priority. So, to make up for lost time I have decided to write one giant update.
Last August Robbie and I took a wonderful trip to Flagstaff and Albuquerque. We also brought

Rusty, Robbie's dad, along for the ride. Our fist stop in Flagstaff was to see 2 of my favorite nephews, Kurtis and Sean. We put Rusty on the train to Albuquerque to spend the week with his daughter, Katie and her family. While in Flag we went cave hunting and off-roading through

mud! (Yes, Darlene and Dad we went Twirling) Since I am claustrophobic and hate the dark, the cave thing was kind of exhilarating. Jessica, Kurtis and I made it all the way to the end while Robbie and Jake did not...sissies. Robbie and I took Kurtis to see Sunset Crater Park and take some fun pictures. It was nice to spend alone time with him. As couples, we enjoyed a nice evening out, getting to know each other better. After a short time with Jessica and Jake, we headed to Albuquerque. (It is so hard to leave those boys)
New Mexico welcomed us with a greeting party in the street of Kellsie, Logan, Jakob, Katie, Jeff

and Rusty. One of the first things Katie tells us is that she has firmly reminded everyone (mainly Jeff) that the snakes are not to be taken out or talked about while Aunt Melea is here. We enjoyed Jeff's great cooking, lots of laughter and human jungle gyms. (Uncle Robbie's the favorite, which by default makes me the favorite aunt) Jeff and Robbie wanted to photograph a New Mexico sunset so we went took the tram up to the highest peak in Albuquerque. Robbie broke in his new camera with some expert advice from Jeff. We unfortunately had to face reality and head home. We miss the rice crispies and the noise (mostly).
My semester quickly began and I was found jobless. I lost my job in September so I added another class (totalling 5) and Robbie focused on working extra to
cover for me.

During the weekend of Robbie's birthday in October, we went to Lake Havasu with some of our best friends (The Hollidays and Randy and Caitlin). We spent most of the day on the lake searching for cliffs to jump. I got enough courage to jump about an 18 footer and Robbie about a 30 footer. We jet skied and others wake boarded. That trip was a perfect way to spend Robbie's birthday and a good break from school.
We spent Thanksgiving in town this year. My entire family was here so it was fun to be together.

Just as the semester was almost over (I had one more final to go) I fell and sprained my ankle real bad. I was on crutches for a week and limping for almost 2 more weeks. This was okay timing, I guess. I was just worried that I wasn't going to be off crutches by Christmas. Luckily I was spared and okay to walk independently by then. On Christmas Eve, Robbie and I left for Oregon to visit David (Robbie's brother) and his

family. After 16 hours in the car and our chains we arrived in Grants Pass. We played, ate, laughed, and relaxed for almost a week and it was already time to go home. Auntie and Unlce were very sad to leave little Casey and Connor. (Auntie and Casey have the same color hair)
We are fortunate to have wonderful friends and were able to spend New Years with them. Also, Stuart was able to join us also for a night of games, bad jokes and lots of food.
So, here we are today, 2009. Crazy!!! Robbie and I have decided this is "our year." I will graduate in May with a Bachelor's degree in Geography. Robbie will get his Contractor's License soon and start his business later this year, in heating and a/c. We are at a good place right now. Life finds us healthy, happy and in love. We have so much to look forward to and hope to make some big changes and advancements in our careers and as a couple. We are happy to see 2008 go and welcome 2009.