Saturday, June 28, 2008

8 Years

I can't believe it has been 8 years, yesterday, since my mom has passed. I just wanted to take a moment to remember how wonderful she was and how her influence still lives on. She was an amazing lady and I miss her everyday. Some years are harder than others and this was one of them. Robbie, Stuart and I took some flowers to her, to remember her and show our gratitude for her. I'm not trying to be a downer, just taking time to celebrate a special life. Thanks to all for continued support and encouragement.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've given in

I have been fighting the trends to becoming a blogger, but can no longer keep up the struggle. I'm not quite sure how this works still so here it goes. I figure this is a fun way to keep up with everyone and let you all in on our lives. A quick update: Robbie is working very hard as an A/C Tech and is only a few months away from getting his contractors license. He is getting ready to start his own A/C business. I, Melea, am working at a Chevy dealership in the service dept. I also go to school full-time/year-round. I have one year left and I will officially have a degree in Geography: Land Use and Analysis.